-- CONTENTS  = MIB Definition for Fibre Channel Switches running
--             McDATA Enterprise Operating System(TM) firmware.
-- -----------------------------------------------------
--          Removed comment about fcEosCTACounter not implemented.
--          Added 0 value for fcEosFruStatus.
--          Changed  fcEosFruPartNumber, fcEosFruSerialNumber, fcEosFruTestDate from
--          DisplayString size 1..64 to 0..64 (IR #6012).
-- 2.0      Renamed from ef-6000.mib to fceos.mib and renamed all objects accordingly.
--          Added new objects in suppot of FL_Ports (eosPortConfigType, eosPortOpType,
--          eosPortALPAIndex, eosPortFAN, eosPortLIPsGenerated, eosPortLIPsDetected).
--          support of FL_Port's.
-- 1.10     Added 64 bit counters and support for 2G
-- 1.7      Added Port Binding, Threshold Alert, and Zoning objects.
-- 1.3      Initial version.


      enterprises, Counter
         FROM RFC1155-SMI
         FROM RFC-1212
         FROM RFC-1215;

   --Textual conventions for this MIB

   DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING

   TruthValue ::= INTEGER {
      yes (1),
      no (2)

   FcEosSysOperStatus ::= INTEGER {
      operational       (1),
      redundant-failure (2),
      minor-failure     (3),
      major-failure     (4),
      not-operational   (5)

   FcEosFruCode ::= INTEGER {
      fru-bkplane   (1) ,    -- Backplane
      fru-ctp       (2) ,    -- Control Processor card
      fru-sbar      (3) ,    -- Serial Crossbar
      fru-fan2      (4) ,    -- Center fan module
      fru-fan       (5) ,    -- Fan module
      fru-power     (6) ,    -- Power supply module
      fru-reserved  (7) ,    -- Reserved, not used
      fru-glsl      (8) ,    -- Longwave, Single-Mode, LC connector, 1 Gig
      fru-gsml      (9) ,    -- Shortwave, Multi-Mode, LC connector, 1 Gig
      fru-gxxl      (10),    -- Mixed, LC connector, 1 Gig
      fru-gsf1      (11),    -- SFO pluggable, 1 Gig
      fru-gsf2      (12),    -- SFO pluggable, 2 Gig
      fru-glsr      (13),    -- Longwave, Single-Mode, MT-RJ connector, 1 Gig
      fru-gsmr      (14),    -- Shortwave, Multi-Mode, MT-RJ connector, 1 Gig
      fru-gxxr      (15),    -- Mixed, MT-RJ connector, 1 Gig
      fru-fint1     (16)     -- F-Port, internal, 1 Gig

   FcEosFruPosition ::= INTEGER (1..255)

   FcEosPortIndex ::= INTEGER (1..2048)

   FcEosPortPhyState   ::= INTEGER {
      psNotInstalled  (1),
      psAvailable     (2),
      psBlocked       (3),
      psUnavailable   (4),
      psLinkFailure   (5),
      psLinkFailLOL   (6),
      psIntDiags      (7),
      psExtLoop       (8),
      psPortFail      (9),
      psSR            (10),
      psLR            (11),
      psInaccessible  (12),
      psInactive      (13)

   FcEosPortWWN ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
   FcEosPortList ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (32))

   LoopPortALPA ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))

   -- Enterprise Specific Object Identifiers

   mcData         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 289 }
   -- Product lines or generic product information
   -- common      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mcData 1 }
   commDev        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mcData 2 } -- communication devices

   -- Fibre Channel product lines
   fibreChannel   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commDev 1 }
   fcSwitch       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibreChannel 1 }
   fcEos          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcSwitch 2 }

   -- Groups in FCEOS MIB

   fcEosSys       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 1 }

   fcEosFru       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 2 }

   fcEosPort      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 3 }

   fcEosPortBinding OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 4 }

   fcEosZoning    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 5 }

   fcEosTA  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 6 }

   -- reserved    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 6 }
   -- reserved    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 7 }
   -- reserved    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 8 }
   -- reserved    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcEos 9 }

   -- the System Group

   fcEosSysCurrentDate         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The current date information."
   ::= { fcEosSys 1 }

   fcEosSysBootDate            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The date and time of the last IPL of the switch."
   ::= { fcEosSys 2 }

   fcEosSysFirmwareVersion     OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..24))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The current version of the firmware."
   ::= { fcEosSys 3 }

   fcEosSysTypeNum             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The ASCII type number of the switch."
   ::= { fcEosSys 4 }

   fcEosSysModelNum            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The ASCII model number of the switch."
   ::= { fcEosSys 5 }

   fcEosSysMfg                 OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The ASCII manufacturer of the switch."
   ::= { fcEosSys 6 }

   fcEosSysPlantOfMfg          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The ASCII plant of manufacturer of the switch."
   ::= { fcEosSys 7 }

   fcEosSysEcLevel             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The ASCII EC level ID of the switch."
   ::= { fcEosSys 8 }

   fcEosSysSerialNum        OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The ASCII system serial number of the switch."
   ::= { fcEosSys 9 }

   fcEosSysOperStatus          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosSysOperStatus
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The current operational status of the switch."
   ::= { fcEosSys 10 }

   fcEosSysState               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "If the operational status of the switch is
         operational, the switch will be in one of the four states:
         online(1), coming-online(2), offline(3), and going-offline(4)."
   ::= { fcEosSys 11 }

   fcEosSysAdmStatus           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         online  (1),
                         offline (2)
         ACCESS      read-write
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The desired administrative status
         of the switch. A management station may place the switch
         in a desired state by setting this object accordingly.
         The desired administrative status are online(1) and offline(2).
         The online means setting the switch to be accessible by
         an external Fibre Channel port, and offline means setting
         the switch to be inaccessible."
   ::= { fcEosSys 12 }

   fcEosSysConfigSpeed           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         one-gig  (1),
                         two-gig  (2)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "Switch speed capability. It's a user initiated option
         to adjust the system-wide port speed capability."
   ::= { fcEosSys 13 }

   fcEosSysOpenTrunking           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      TruthValue
         ACCESS      read-write
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION  "This object identifies/configures if McDATA Open Trunking is
         enabled or not."
   ::= { fcEosSys 14 }

   -- End of System Group

   -- Fibre Channel FRU Group
   -- This group contains FRU information of each Fibre Channel Module.

   fcEosFruTable               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FcEosFruEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A table that contains one entry for each module."
   ::= { fcEosFru 1 }

   fcEosFruEntry               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosFruEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "An entry containing the service parameters of the module."
         INDEX   { fcEosFruCode,
                   fcEosFruPosition }
   ::= { fcEosFruTable 1 }

   FcEosFruEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         fcEosFruCode         FcEosFruCode,
         fcEosFruPosition     FcEosFruPosition,
         fcEosFruStatus       INTEGER,
         fcEosFruPartNumber   DisplayString,
         fcEosFruSerialNumber DisplayString,
         fcEosFruPowerOnHours Counter,
         fcEosFruTestDate     DisplayString

   fcEosFruCode                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosFruCode
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "Field Replaceable Unit.
         A hardware component of the product that is replaceable
         as an entire unit. Each module defined in this MIB has
         a fixed FRU code."
   ::= { fcEosFruEntry 1 }

   fcEosFruPosition            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosFruPosition
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This object identifies the position
         of the module. The value starts from 1 to the maximum number of
         the cards that can be contained within this switch."
   ::= { fcEosFruEntry 2 }

   fcEosFruStatus              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This object identifies the operational
         status of the module. The unknown(0) state indicates no information
         is known about the module, the active(1) state indicates that
         the current module is active; The backup(2) state indicates
         that the back up module is used; The update-busy (3) state
         indicates that the module is in the updating process;
         The failed(4) state indicates that the current module is failed."
   ::= { fcEosFruEntry 3 }

   fcEosFruPartNumber          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The part number of the module."
   ::= { fcEosFruEntry 4 }

   fcEosFruSerialNumber        OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The serial number of the module."
   ::= { fcEosFruEntry 5 }

   fcEosFruPowerOnHours        OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of the hours that the
         FRU has been in operation."
   ::= { fcEosFruEntry 6 }

   fcEosFruTestDate            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The final test date of the module."
   ::= { fcEosFruEntry 7 }

   -- End of Fibre Channel FRU Group

   -- Fibre Channel Port Group
   -- This group contains information about each Fibre Channel port.

   fcEosPortTable              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FcEosPortEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A table that contains one entry
         for each switch port."
   ::= { fcEosPort 1 }

   fcEosPortEntry              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "An entry containing the information of the switch port."
         INDEX   { fcEosPortIndex }
   ::= { fcEosPortTable 1 }

   FcEosPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         fcEosPortIndex               FcEosPortIndex,
         fcEosPortPhyState            FcEosPortPhyState,
         fcEosPortOpStatus            INTEGER,
         fcEosPortAdmStatus           INTEGER,
         fcEosPortConnector           INTEGER,
         fcEosPortDistance            INTEGER,
         fcEosPortXceiverType         INTEGER,
         fcEosPortMedia               INTEGER,
         fcEosPortSpeedCap            INTEGER,
         fcEosPortConfigSpeed         INTEGER,
         fcEosPortOpSpeed             INTEGER,
         fcEosPortConfigType          INTEGER,
         fcEosPortOpType              INTEGER,
         fcEosPortALPAIndex           LoopPortALPA,
         fcEosPortFAN                 TruthValue,

         -- throughput statistics (32 bit counters)
         fcEosPortTxWords32        Counter,
         fcEosPortRxWords32        Counter,
         fcEosPortTxFrames32       Counter,
         fcEosPortRxFrames32       Counter,
         fcEosPortTxThroughput     Counter,
         fcEosPortRxThroughput     Counter,

         -- class 2 statistics   (32 bit counters)
         fcEosPortTxC2Words32         Counter,
         fcEosPortRxC2Words32         Counter,
         fcEosPortTxC2Frames32        Counter,
         fcEosPortRxC2Frames32        Counter,
         fcEosPortTxC2Octets32        Counter,
         fcEosPortRxC2Octets32        Counter,
         fcEosPortRxC2FabricReject32  Counter,
         fcEosPortRxC2FabricBusy32    Counter,

         -- class 3 statistics  (32 bit counters)
         fcEosPortTxC3Words32    Counter,
         fcEosPortRxC3Words32    Counter,
         fcEosPortTxC3Frames32   Counter,
         fcEosPortRxC3Frames32   Counter,
         fcEosPortTxC3Octets32   Counter,
         fcEosPortRxC3Octets32   Counter,
         fcEosPortC3Discards32   Counter,

         -- operation statistics  (32 bit counters)
         fcEosPortDiscardFrames       Counter,
         fcEosPortTxLinkResets        Counter,
         fcEosPortRxLinkResets        Counter,
         fcEosPortTxOLSs              Counter,
         fcEosPortRxOLSs              Counter,
         fcEosPortLIPsGenerated       Counter,
         fcEosPortLIPsDetected        Counter,

         -- error statistics  (32 bit counters)
         fcEosPortAddrIDErrors     Counter,
         fcEosPortDelimiterErrors  Counter,
         fcEosPortSyncLosses       Counter,
         fcEosPortSigLosses        Counter,
         fcEosPortProtocolErrors   Counter,
         fcEosPortInvalidTxWords   Counter,
         fcEosPortLinkFailures     Counter,
         fcEosPortCrcs             Counter,
         fcEosPortTruncs           Counter,

         -- throughput statistics (64 bit counters)
         fcEosPortTxWords64        OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortRxWords64        OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortTxFrames64       OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortRxFrames64       OCTET STRING,

         -- class 2 statistics  (64 bit counters)
         fcEosPortTxC2Words64     OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortRxC2Words64     OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortTxC2Frames64    OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortRxC2Frames64    OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortTxC2Octets64    OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortRxC2Octets64    OCTET STRING,

         -- class 3 statistics  (64 bit counters)
         fcEosPortTxC3Words64    OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortRxC3Words64    OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortTxC3Frames64   OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortRxC3Frames64   OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortTxC3Octets64   OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortRxC3Octets64   OCTET STRING,
         fcEosPortC3Discards64   OCTET STRING,

         -- trunking statistics    (32 bit counters)
         fcEosPortTxFlows        Counter,
         fcEosPortRxFlows        Counter

   fcEosPortIndex              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortIndex
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The fixed physical port number on the switch.
         It ranges from 1 to the number of physical ports that can be
         supported in the switch."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 1 }

   fcEosPortPhyState           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortPhyState
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The physical state of the port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 2 }

   fcEosPortOpStatus           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         online  (1),
                         offline (2),
                         testing (3),
                         faulty  (4)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The operational status of the port.
         The online(1) state indicates that user frames can be passed."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 3 }

   fcEosPortAdmStatus          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         online   (1),
                         offline  (2),
                         testing  (3)
         ACCESS      read-write
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The desired state of the port.
         A management station may place the port in a desired
         state by setting this object accordingly. The testing(3)
         state indicates that no user frames can be passed.
         As the result of either explicit management action
         or per configuration information accessible by the switch,
         fcEosPortAdmStatus is then changed to either the online(1)
         or testing(3) states, or remains in the offline state."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 4 }

   fcEosPortConnector          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         unknown       (1),
                         lc            (2),
                         mt-rj         (3),
                         mu            (4),
                         internal-port (5)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "Supported connector types of the port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 5 }

   fcEosPortDistance           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A bit map to represent distance types of the Port.
                             bit 0    unknown
                             bit 1-3  reserved
                             bit 4    long distance (l)
                             bit 5    intermediate distance (i)
                             bit 6    short distance (s)
                             bit 7    very long distance"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 6 }

   fcEosPortXceiverType               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         unknown              (1),
                         longDistance         (2),          -- (LL-V)
                         longWaveLaser-LL     (3),          -- (LL)
                         shortWaveLaser-OFC   (4),          -- (SL)
                         shortWaveLaser-noOFC (5),          -- (SN)
                         longWaveLaser-LC     (6)           -- (LC)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The type of the installed transceiver."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 7 }

   fcEosPortMedia              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A bit map to represent the media of the installed transceiver.
                             bit 0    single mode (sm)
                             bit 1    reserved
                             bit 2    multi-mode, 50m (m5)
                             bit 3    multi-mode, 62.5 (m6)
                             bit 4-6  reserved
                             bit 7    copper"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 8 }

   fcEosPortSpeedCap              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A bit map to represent the speed capability of the installed transceiver.
                             bit 0    100 MBytes/Sec
                             bit 1    reserved
                             bit 2    200 MBytes/Sec
                             bit 3    reserved
                             bit 4    400 MBytes/Sec
                             bit 5-7  reserved"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 9 }

   fcEosPortConfigSpeed              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         one-gig     (1),
                         two-gig     (2),
                         negotiate   (3)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The configured port speed."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 10 }

   fcEosPortOpSpeed              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                      unknown     (1),
                      one-gig     (2),
                      two-gig     (3),
                      negotiate   (4)
      ACCESS      read-only
      STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "The operating port speed."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 11 }

   fcEosPortConfigType              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                      gPort     (1),
                      fPort     (2),
                      ePort     (3),
                      flPort    (4),
                      fxPort    (5),
                      gxPort    (6)
      ACCESS      read-write
      STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "The configured port type."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 12 }

   fcEosPortOpType              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                      unknown   (1),
                      ePort     (2),
                      fPort     (3),
                      flPort    (4)
      ACCESS      read-only
      STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "The operating port type."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 13 }

   fcEosPortALPAIndex       OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      LoopPortALPA
      ACCESS      read-only
      STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "The ALPA-Index bit map that identifies the list of
      ALPA's associated with the FL_port. Only applicable for flPorts."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 14 }

   fcEosPortFAN              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      ACCESS      read-write
      STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "This object identifies/configures if the port supports
      Fabric Address Notification mode. Only applicable for flPorts."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 15 }

   -- throughput statistics   (32 bit counters)
   fcEosPortTxWords32            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of words
         within frames that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 20 }

   fcEosPortRxWords32            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of words
         within frames that the port has received. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 21 }

   fcEosPortTxFrames32           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of (Fibre Channel) frames
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 22 }

   fcEosPortRxFrames32           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of (Fibre Channel) frames
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 23 }

   fcEosPortTxThroughput       OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The Bps (bytes per second) transmission rate of the port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 24 }

   fcEosPortRxThroughput       OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The Bps (bytes per second) reception rate of the port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 25 }

   -- class 2 statistics   (32 bit counters)
   fcEosPortTxC2Words32          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of class 2 4-byte words
         that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 30 }

   fcEosPortRxC2Words32          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of class 2 4-byte words
         that the port has received. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 31 }

   fcEosPortTxC2Frames32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 frames
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 32 }

   fcEosPortRxC2Frames32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 frames
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 33 }

   fcEosPortTxC2Octets32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 Octets
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 34 }

   fcEosPortRxC2Octets32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 Octets
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 35 }

   fcEosPortRxC2FabricReject32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 fabric rejects."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 36 }

   fcEosPortRxC2FabricBusy32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 fabric busies."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 37 }

   -- class 3 statistics    (32 bit counters)
   fcEosPortTxC3Words32          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of class 3 4-byte words
         that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 40 }

   fcEosPortRxC3Words32          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of class 3 4-byte words
         that the port has received. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 41 }

   fcEosPortTxC3Frames32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 42 }

   fcEosPortRxC3Frames32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 43 }

   fcEosPortTxC3Octets32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 Octets
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 44 }

   fcEosPortRxC3Octets32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 Octets
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 45 }

   fcEosPortC3Discards32         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
         that the port has discarded."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 46 }

   -- operation statistics     (32 bit counters)
   fcEosPortDiscardFrames      OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of frames
         that the port has discarded."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 50 }

   fcEosPortTxLinkResets       OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of link resets
         initiated by this switch port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 51 }

   fcEosPortRxLinkResets       OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of link resets
         initiated by the attached N_port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 52 }

   fcEosPortTxOLSs             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of offline sequences
       initiated by this switch port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 53 }

   fcEosPortRxOLSs             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of offline sequences
         initiated by the attached N_port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 54 }

   fcEosPortLIPsGenerated             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "The number of LIPs generated/initiated/sent by this port.
      Only applicable for flPort."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 55 }

   fcEosPortLIPsDetected             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "The number of LIPs detected/received by this port.
      Only applicable for flPort."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 56 }

   -- error statistics     (32 bit counters)
   fcEosPortAddrIDErrors         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of address ID errors."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 58 }

   fcEosPortDelimiterErrors         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of delimiter errors."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 59 }

   fcEosPortSyncLosses         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of loss of synchronization timeouts."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 60 }

   fcEosPortSigLosses          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of times that a Loss of Signal is detected."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 61 }

   fcEosPortProtocolErrors     OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of protocol errors detected."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 62 }

   fcEosPortInvalidTxWords     OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of Invalid Transmission words
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 63 }

   fcEosPortLinkFailures       OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of transitions to an LFx state."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 64 }

   fcEosPortCrcs               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of CRC errors
         detected from frames received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 65 }

   fcEosPortTruncs             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of frames shorter than the Fibre Channel minimum."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 66 }

   -- throughput statistics (64 bit counters)
   fcEosPortTxWords64            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of words
         within frames that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 67 }

   fcEosPortRxWords64            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of words
         within frames that the port has received. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 68 }

   fcEosPortTxFrames64           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of (Fibre Channel) frames
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 69 }

   fcEosPortRxFrames64           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of (Fibre Channel) frames
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 70 }

   -- class 2 statistics   (64 bit counters)
   fcEosPortTxC2Words64          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of class 2 4-byte words
         that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 71 }

   fcEosPortRxC2Words64          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of class 2 4-byte words
         that the port has received. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 72 }

   fcEosPortTxC2Frames64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 2 frames
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 73 }

   fcEosPortRxC2Frames64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 2 frames
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 74 }

   fcEosPortTxC2Octets64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 2 Octets
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 75 }

   fcEosPortRxC2Octets64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 2 Octets
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 76 }

   -- class 3 statistics   (64 bit counters)
   fcEosPortTxC3Words64          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of class 3 4-byte words
         that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 77 }

   fcEosPortRxC3Words64          OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of class 3 4-byte words
         that the port has received. (Primitive signals
         and primitive sequence are not included.)"
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 78 }

   fcEosPortTxC3Frames64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 79 }

   fcEosPortRxC3Frames64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 80 }

   fcEosPortTxC3Octets64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 Octets
         that the port has transmitted."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 81 }

   fcEosPortRxC3Octets64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 Octets
         that the port has received."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 82 }

   fcEosPortC3Discards64         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
         that the port has discarded."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 83 }

   -- trunking statistics    (32 bit counters)
   fcEosPortTxFlows             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "The number of flows rerouted from this port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 100 }

   fcEosPortRxFlows             OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      Counter
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
      DESCRIPTION    "The number of flows rerouted to this port."
   ::= { fcEosPortEntry 101 }

   -- Port Binding Table
   fcEosPortBindingTable              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FcEosPortBindingEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A table that contains one entry
         for each switch port."
   ::= { fcEosPortBinding 1 }

   fcEosPortBindingEntry              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortBindingEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "An entry containing the port binding information
         of the switch port."
         INDEX   { fcEosPortBindingIndex }
   ::= { fcEosPortBindingTable 1 }

   FcEosPortBindingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         fcEosPortBindingIndex      FcEosPortIndex,
         fcEosPortBindingFlag       INTEGER,
         fcEosPortConfiguredWWN     FcEosPortWWN,
         fcEosPortAttachedWWN       FcEosPortWWN

   fcEosPortBindingIndex              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortIndex
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The fixed physical port number on the switch.
         It ranges from 1 to the number of physical ports that can be
         supported in the switch."
   ::= { fcEosPortBindingEntry 1 }

   fcEosPortBindingFlag               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                                yes (1),
                                no  (2)

         ACCESS      read-write
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The flag indicates whether or not Port Binding
         is in effect for an individual port."
   ::= { fcEosPortBindingEntry 2 }

   fcEosPortConfiguredWWN               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortWWN
         ACCESS      read-write
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The authorized port WWN for attached servers and
         storage systems (F ports), or the authorized switch WWN for
         attached switches (E ports)."
   ::= { fcEosPortBindingEntry 3 }

   fcEosPortAttachedWWN               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortWWN
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The WWN of the device currently attached to the port
         whether it has successfully connected or is currently being rejected
         due to a Port Binding violation."
   ::= { fcEosPortBindingEntry 4 }

   -- End of Fibre Channel Port Group
   -- Fibre Channel Zoning Group
   -- This group contains the current zoning configuration.
   fcEosActiveZoneSetName         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The active zone set name.  This value will return NULL if the
         active zone set state is disabled"
   ::= { fcEosZoning 1 }

   fcEosActiveZoneCount         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of zones in the active zone set.
         This value will return 0 if the active zone set state is disabled"
   ::= { fcEosZoning 2 }

   fcEosDefaultZoneSetState         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER{
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The set state of the default zone set (1=Enabled,2= Disabled)."
   ::= { fcEosZoning 3 }

   fcEosActiveZoneSetState         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER{
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The state of the active zone set.  If the active
         zone set state is disabled, then ActiveZoneSetName and
         ActiveZoneSetCount are invalid (1=Enabled,2= Disabled). "
   ::= { fcEosZoning 4 }

   fcEosHardwareEnforcedZoning         OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER{
                                yes (1),
                                no  (2)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "Indicates if zoning is hardware enforced
         (1=Yes, 2=No)."
   ::= { fcEosZoning 5 }

   -- Begining of Active Zone Table
   fcEosActiveZoneTable                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FcEosActiveZoneEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A table that contains one entry for each zone in the
         active zone set."
   ::= { fcEosZoning 6 }

   fcEosActiveZoneEntry                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosActiveZoneEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "An entry containing the information specific to a zone."
         INDEX   { fcEosZoneIndex }
   ::= { fcEosActiveZoneTable 1 }

   FcEosActiveZoneEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         fcEosZoneIndex       INTEGER,
         fcEosZoneName        DisplayString,
         fcEosZoneMemberCount INTEGER

   fcEosZoneIndex                      OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "Zone index number.  This number will range from 1
         to the number of zones specified by the ActiveZoneCount. "
   ::= { fcEosActiveZoneEntry 1 }

   fcEosZoneName                       OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This object is the name of this zone entry."
   ::= { fcEosActiveZoneEntry 2 }

   fcEosZoneMemberCount                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This object contains a count of the number of
         members in this zone entry."
   ::= { fcEosActiveZoneEntry 3 }
   -- End of Active Zone Table

   -- Begining of Active Member Table
   fcEosActiveMemberTable                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FcEosActiveMemberEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A table that contains one entry for each member in the
         active zone set."
   ::= { fcEosZoning 7 }

   fcEosActiveMemberEntry                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosActiveMemberEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "An entry containing the information specific to a member."
         INDEX   { fcEosMemberZoneIndex,
                   fcEosMemberIndex }
   ::= { fcEosActiveMemberTable 1 }

   FcEosActiveMemberEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         fcEosMemberZoneIndex  INTEGER,
         fcEosMemberIndex      INTEGER,
         fcEosMemberType       INTEGER,
         fcEosMemberWWN        FcEosPortWWN,
         fcEosMemberDomainID   INTEGER,
         fcEosMemberPortNumber INTEGER

   fcEosMemberZoneIndex                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The index of the zone that this member belongs to.
         This is the same value as fcEosZoneIndex."
   ::= { fcEosActiveMemberEntry 1 }

   fcEosMemberIndex                    OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "Member index number. This number will range from 1
         to the number of members specified by the corresponding ZoneMemberCount. "
   ::= { fcEosActiveMemberEntry 2 }

   fcEosMemberType                     OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This object is the type of addressing that is associated
         with this member."
   ::= { fcEosActiveMemberEntry 3 }

   fcEosMemberWWN                      OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortWWN
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The WWN name as an 8-octet string. This value is only valid
         if the member type is 1, otherwise it will return all zeros."
   ::= { fcEosActiveMemberEntry 4 }

   fcEosMemberDomainID                 OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The domain ID.  This value is only valid if the member type is 2,
         otherwise it will return NULL."
   ::= { fcEosActiveMemberEntry 5 }

   fcEosMemberPortNumber               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The port number.  This value is only valid if the member type is 2,
         otherwise it will return NULL."
   ::= { fcEosActiveMemberEntry 6 }
   -- End of Active Member Table

   -- End of Fibre Channel Zoning Group

   -- Fibre Channel Threshold Alert Group
   -- This group contains the threshold alert configuration.

   -- Threshold Alert Table

   fcEosTATable              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FcEosTAEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A table that contains one entry
         for each configured threshold alert."
   ::= { fcEosTA 1 }

   fcEosTAEntry              OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosTAEntry
         ACCESS      not-accessible
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "An entry containing a threshold alert configuration."
         INDEX   { fcEosTAIndex }
   ::= { fcEosTATable 1 }

   FcEosTAEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         fcEosTAIndex            INTEGER,
         fcEosTAName             DisplayString,
         fcEosTAState            INTEGER,
         fcEosTAType             INTEGER,
         fcEosTAPortType         INTEGER,
         fcEosTAPortList         FcEosPortList,
         fcEosTAInterval         INTEGER,
         fcEosTATriggerValue     INTEGER,
         fcEosTTADirection       INTEGER,
         fcEosTTATriggerDuration INTEGER,
         fcEosCTACounter         INTEGER

   fcEosTAIndex                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This object is used to identify which threshold has been triggered."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 1 }

   fcEosTAName               OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The threshold alert name."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 2 }

   fcEosTAState                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         enabled  (1),
                         disabled (2)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The current state of the threshold."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 3 }

   fcEosTAType                OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                          throughput (1),
                          counter (2)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The type of the threshold."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 4 }

   fcEosTAPortType            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                          list (1),
                          ePorts (2),
                          fPorts (3),
                          flPorts (4)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A threshold can be set on a list of physical port numbers or
         on all the ports of the specified type (ePorts, fPorts)."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 5 }

   fcEosTAPortList            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      FcEosPortList
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "A bit map that identifies which ports this threhold alert
         applies to (only valid if the Threshold Alert Port Type = list). The left
         most bit represents the port 0."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 6 }

   fcEosTAInterval            OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "The number of minutes in a threshold alert interval."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 7 }

   fcEosTATriggerValue        OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "If the alert type is a Throughput Threshold Alert, then this
         is the percent utilization (1-100) required to trigger an alert.
         If the alert type is a Counter Threshold Alert, then this is the counter
         delta required to trigger an alert."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 8 }

   fcEosTTADirection           OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                          transmit (1),
                          receive (2),
                          either (3)  -- (Tx or Rx)
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This only applies when the alert type is a Throughput
         Threshold Alert. It specifies the throughput direction of the threshold."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 9 }

   fcEosTTATriggerDuration     OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This only applies when the alert type is a
         Throughput Threshold Alert.  It specifies the amount of time
         during a threshold alert interval that the trigger must be exceeded
         before an alert is generated."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 10 }

   fcEosCTACounter     OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      INTEGER
         ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS      mandatory
         DESCRIPTION    "This only applies when the alert type is a
         Counter Threshold Alert.  It specifies statistical counter
         or counter set to be monitored."
   ::= { fcEosTAEntry 11 }

   -- End of Fibre Channel Threshold Alert Group

   -- FCEOS Enterprise Specific Trap Definitions

   fcEosPortScn         TRAP-TYPE
         ENTERPRISE     mcData
         VARIABLES      { fcEosPortOpStatus }
         DESCRIPTION    "An fcEosPortScn(1) is generated
         whenever a Fc_Port changes its operational state.
         For instance, the Fc_Port goes from on-line to offline."
   ::= 1

   fcEosFruScn          TRAP-TYPE
         ENTERPRISE     mcData
         VARIABLES      { fcEosFruStatus }
         DESCRIPTION    "An fcEosFruScn(2) is generated
         whenever a FRU status changes its operational state."
   ::= 2

   fcEosPortBindingViolation TRAP-TYPE
         ENTERPRISE     mcData
         VARIABLES      { fcEosPortAttachedWWN }
         DESCRIPTION    "An fcEosPortBindingViolation(3) is generated
         whenever the switch detects that a port binding violation occurs."
   ::= 3

   fcEosThresholdAlert  TRAP-TYPE
         ENTERPRISE     mcData
         VARIABLES      { fcEosPortIndex, fcEosTAIndex }
         DESCRIPTION    "An fcEosThresholdAlert(4) is generated
         whenever a threshold alert occurs."
   ::= 4